The handle is made of wooden cylinders, which are tied together with waxed cord, and fitted with wooden rings at both ends. The handle has a length (outer circumference) of 41 cm, the ring at the ends has an outer Ø of 5 cm, inner Ø of 3 cm. The handle is flexible, it can be attached at any angle.
The handle is made of wooden cylinders, which are tied together with waxed cord, and fitted with wooden rings at both ends. The handle has a length (outer circumference) of 41 cm, the ring at the ends has an outer Ø of 5 cm, inner Ø of 3 cm. The handle is flexible, it can be attached at any angle.
The handle is made of wooden cylinders, which are tied together with waxed cord, and fitted with wooden rings at both ends. The handle has a length (outer circumference) of 41 cm, the ring at the ends has an outer Ø of 5 cm, inner Ø of 3 cm. The handle is flexible, it can be attached at any angle.
The handle is made of wooden cylinders, which are tied together with waxed cord, and fitted with wooden rings at both ends. The handle has a length (outer circumference) of 41 cm, the ring at the ends has an outer Ø of 5 cm, inner Ø of 3 cm. The handle is flexible, it can be attached at any angle.
The handle is made of wooden cylinders, which are tied together with waxed cord, and fitted with wooden rings at both ends. The handle has a length (outer circumference) of 41 cm, the ring at the ends has an outer Ø of 5 cm, inner Ø of 3 cm. The handle is flexible, it can be attached at any angle.