Ocheti cu o gaură de acces pentru cabluri și elastice. Este format din două părți. Utilizare: în industria textilă, cum ar fi jachete de cusut, pulovere etc.
Nituirea se face manual cu mini-presă, care face parte din pachet sau cu această presă.
Într-un pachet sunt 20 de bucăți.
Perforatele cu un di..
It is used like a through-hole for cords and elastics. It consists of two parts. Usage: In the textile industry, such as sewing jackets, sweatshirts etc.Riveting is done manually with mini-press, which is part of the package or with this press.In one pack are 20 pieces.Punches with a smaller diamete..
It is used like a through-hole for cords and elastics. It consists of two parts. Usage: In the textile industry, such as sewing jackets, sweatshirts etc.Riveting is done manually with mini-press, which is part of the package or with this press.In one pack are 20 pieces.Punches with a smaller diamete..
It is used like a through-hole for cords and elastics. It consists of two parts. Usage: In the textile industry, such as sewing jackets, sweatshirts etc.Riveting is done manually with mini-press, which is part of the package or with this press.In one pack are 20 pieces.Punches with a smaller diamete..
It is used like a through-hole for cords and elastics. It consists of two parts. Usage: In the textile industry, such as sewing jackets, sweatshirts etc.Riveting is done manually with mini-press, which is part of the package or with this press.In one pack are 20 pieces.Punches with a smaller diamete..